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I Asked A Billionaire Entrepreneur How To Save My Business

Her advice might surprise you.

Alex Bentley


Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that the best business advice doesn’t always come from the most obvious sources.

Case in point: when I was struggling to make sense of my failing startup company, I called rap genius and long-time friend, Kanye West.

After Kanye listened to me sob on the phone for five straight minutes, he said, “It’s gonna be alright, man.”

Then Kanye put his then-wife, Kim Kardashian, on the phone.

She actually wanted to FaceTime with me.

So I tapped on the screen, and she appeared in high-definition color. Her jet black hair, goops of foundation applied to her face, and burning brown eyes were all there for me to see.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you,” I said.

“It’s no problem,” she replied.

I then explained how my company was lagging behind the competition, not making enough sales, and that I needed to take action right away.

“I have the best advice for you,” Kim chimed.

“What is it, Kimmy?”



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