Here’s What Happened When I Took A Month Off Writing On Medium
Hint: All of my stats dropped dramatically
I basically took a break from everything social media—including writing on Medium.
It all started when I got locked out of my Facebook page.
As I’ve been traveling to multiple countries this year, finally landing semi-permanently in the Philippines, Facebook decided they needed to verify page ownership.
I guess they didn’t like that I was in the USA from January to March, then Costa Rica from March to June, and a couple of weeks in Mexico before returning to Costa Rica. On top of that, I’ve been living in the Philippines since September.
Facebook wanted their mobile app to track my whereabouts, through GPS, to determine my “home” country. Which I reluctantly gave them permission to do—since I normally have GPS tracking turned off by default for all my apps.
I thought the process would go relatively fast, but I was mistaken.
It took Facebook nearly a month to verify my page ownership through GPS tracking.
During that time, I decided to focus on my offline writing, like working on my first full-length novel.